Zoe Dear from Chem-Dry Great Southern

Chem-Dry Great Southern

My name is Zoe and I am the owner/operator of Chem-Dry Great Southern. When I took over the business in 2018, I attended the Chem-Dry training Course in Sydney. Since then I furthered my training and skill set with Franco Preo from Preo Training and joined the CCAWA (Inc). Upon taking over the business the focus has been on training and upgrading our equipment so we can give you the best results. I pride myself on being professional, reliable and always working to a high standard. The services we offer are carpet, upholstery, mattress and leather cleaning. I also offer Pet Urine Removal Treatments and specialist stain removal.

Owner Zoe Dear
Phone 0427 873 677
Email [email protected]
Membership Member: Carpet Cleaning Association of WA (Inc)
Qualifications Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning, Speciality Stain Removal & OH&S certification with Preo Training. Chem-Dry training.
Website http://www.chemdrygs.com.au
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